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A Clear And Simple Goal

Everything begins with a goal, and if you can express it and simplify it, the easier it is to communicate and achieve it. When I sat down with two of my children Marc and Chloe in January 2009 to talk about possible goals for that year we quickly recognised that we all wanted to climb Kilimanjaro - it was as simple as that.

When I was at Team24 we also had clear and simple goals, which we communicated regularly and consistently to each other, to our candidates and to our clients.

There is no doubt that having clear and simple goals strengthened my company brand and reputation, and has led to repeat business and the continuing growth and success of my companies.

Climbing Kilimanjaro was no different. Our common goal was to reach the summit - together and as a team whilst supporting each other as we worked towards it.

Planning A Framework

Galago is the holding company for all of the businesses. When Nursdoc was formed in June 2015 we first analysed the conventional recruitment business framework but concluded that applying a financial services model to recruitment could deliver better results.

Additionally, we implemented a flat managerial structure, to eliminate wasteful layers of management. And we invested heavily in developing IT systems, and in our internal processes to cut down on working costs and expand the reach of our networks.

This is often where creativity and flexibility are required. Whether you follow the conventional frameworks or apply alternatives - the important thing to remember is that the means has to fit the end. Always keep the goal in sight. And in both cases, placing the final goal within a framework of actions means that everyone can be focussed on the desired outcome and clearly understands how they are going to get there too.

Taking the high ground: The analogy of mountain climbing and business building

Getting There: Systems And Processes

For every goal it is necessary to make plans and set up or install systems and responsibilities. Thorough planning and preparation is essential, as is the consideration of contingencies for the unexpected. To climb Kilimanjaro we each had to train ourselves to the necessary fitness levels, and ensure that we have the proper clothing and equipment for the journey.

At Galago, in addition to people, our fundamental systems are IT related. We have embraced the opportunities offered by the internet to reduce the costs of acquiring, processing and clearing candidates for work and pioneered a web based candidate management system called "Galago" which enables the recruitment team to interview hundreds of candidates a month.

Putting the Team together

Hiking up Kilimanjaro as a family brought us closer together and the shared accomplishment of a goal is something we will now always carry with us - but we need the expertise of local guides, and support of other hikers to help us get there.

Hiking up Kilimanjaro as a family brought us closer together and the shared accomplishment of a goal is something we will now always carry with us - but we need the expertise of local guides, and support of other hikers to help us get there.

It's the same in business. Galago recognised that innovation needed to be brought in from outside the recruitment market and recruited highly skilled, specialised staff to ensure our success. In both cases, it’s important to seek out experts who have journeyed the path you are travelling, and who understand the variables involved.

The credo of Galago is: If you look after the people, then success follows.

Galago is made up of a unique set of individuals that work independently to achieve their objectives, and work together to achieve our common goals. As a family, we climbed Kilimanjaro not as individuals but as a team who supported each other to achieve that goal. The outcome with both has been unmitigated success.